Posts tagged ‘Nelson Mandella’

August 31, 2008

My Recent Submission- 2nd Annual Plugra Magnifique Recipe Contest

2nd Annual Plugra Magnifique Recipe Contest

Tonight I entered four recipes (Surf and Turf Grill Butter, Hibachi Butter, Bleu Anjou Butter, and Comfort Butter) to The 2nd Annual Plugra Magnifique Recipe Contest for Compound Butter. Notification for this contest is September 15, 2008. I am excited about this one. My husband and I were throwing some ideas around. I decided on creating a compound for grilling. I was sitting at my desk when I said we need to get a ribeye from the store. With that  someone knocked on my door selling steaks, I about fell over…

Now the last time that happened was maybe 5 years ago, no one ever knocks on my door especially at 8pm. Many years ago I used to sell steaks off a truck (there I go being practical) to earn extra money during a hard spell, so I bought a box of rib eye from him, and Thanked God for the message.

It is written by Deepak Chopra in “Seven spiritual laws of success” that if you are doing what you should be doing  (Your Talent, Your Dharma: special purpose in life) then will you prosper, then you are in your field of potentiality………This is where the coincidences happen, Support from God, the universe, your higher power.

I am also reminded these days of what my Godmother said to me when I was Seventeen and Cocktailing…”Julia, the biggest sin is to not use your God given talents”. I thought back then I needed to be practical and earn a living not dick around for $6.00/hr as some apprentice in an advertising firm in Manhattan (which I was offered, but that’s another story).

I now know

“Practical is a distraction that gets in the way of your dreams, goals, vision, the life you were meant to prosper from”.

~Julia A. Renfro

So where did I come up with this “Quote” that is all over the Internet these days?

“Why am I putting off my inevitable success?” ~Julia A. Renfro

One night back in April I was walking in a parking lot towards my Mini-Van (Triplets you know)and I got a whiff of Jasmine and felt a pleasant warm breeze on my face. I looked at the sky and the days were getting longer. I could feel Easter coming…ahhhh Spring. I then got a vision of James, I, and our Triplet daughters on a sailboat on the water of the Inter-coastal of Florida, living the ideal life…Laughing and having fun. I then thought, what was I waiting for? I am the most talented person I know, and I hear that from all who know me. So why am I  not experiencing financial freedom yet? Then the question came…

“Why am I putting off my inevitable success?”


I cried back in 1987 when I heard Oprah say to Barbara Walters in an interview, “I always knew I was born for greatness”. I cried, because I know too. Now I just got to do something about it! So I went into overdrive back in April and haven’t looked back. Now I know success is all relative, and so is financial freedom. However I GET TO push the bar…and remember to BE not just DO…Then I shall HAVE. Remember do not be afraid of your greatness, do not be afraid to shine. I remind you of a beautiful poem by Marianne Williamson

Our Deepest Fear

delivered by Nelson Mandella
in his 1994 Inaugural speech




“I hope I have inspired you to BE the best that you can BE. Do not look back!”.

 ~Julia A. Renfro






June 20, 2008

Our Deepest Fear

I share this very moving poem with you in hopes, you never quell your greatness, for our sake……Shine on…….

~Julia Renfro

Our Deepest Fear

by Marianne Williamson

delivered by Nelson Mandella
in his 1994 Inaugural speech

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our Light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, who am I to be
brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a child of God.
Your playing small doesn’t serve the world.

There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.

We were born to make manifest
the Glory of God that is within us.

It’s not just in some of us;
it’s in everyone.

And as we let our own Light shine,
we unconsciously give other people
permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.